Monday, 28 June 2010

Codes & Conventions of filming & editing interviews

  • Lots of cut away shots, involving relevant footage relating to the documentary, usually narrated.
  • Usually medium/close up shots used for interviewee.
  • Shows interviewee's name on screen and there position and link to the documentary title.
  • Shots of host walking and talking to the camera.
  • The interviewee looks at the interviewer not directly into the camera.

In a documentary their are always frequent codes and conventions that are usually followed by extremely closely. Usually if the producers stick by these certain codes and conventions it is ensured to be a successful documentary.

These codes and conventions are as followed:

-Their is always conflict
-Natural Sound/arguments
-Establishing Shots of locations that are mentioned
-The interviewee is framed to the left or right of the camera
-The eye line of the interviewee is 1/3 of the way down the screen
-Mise-en-scene is thought about throughout the documentary
-Sound effects are used to dramatise the documentary
-Experts that are interviewed throughout the documentary are named
-Vox Pops are used to gather the public view point.
-A wide variety of camera angles used to provide interest.
-Exposition is clear
-No questions are opposed
-Music beds are always used to help the audience feel a certain mood throughout the documentary and also so the documentary does not become too boring.
-Every documentary has a relevant title to the topic that it is based on.
-Opening title sequence to introduce the audience into the documentary.
-Questions asked by the interviewer are always simple and based on the topic, they are never personal questions.